When you’re an old soul:
You stay to yourself a lot.
You’re a hermit.
Immature people you do not get along with.
Can’t stand conversations with no depth.
Always want to learn something new.
Wise beyond your years people have told you this since you were a child.
Always wanted to be around older people more likely the elderly folks.
Cartoons was okay, but you were more interested in real characters.
You found yourself playing house a lot when you were a child especially with your dolls, with boys they wouldn’t their action figures to be a king, boss, or savior.
You knew things that others didn’t.
You feel like you’re not from earth.
You find yourself teaching others.
When you’re younger you visualize stability, financial freedom, marriage ( maybe), kids, a home, and things older adults desire.
You know more than your parents and they’re shocked that you can advise them better.
Black sheep of the family.
You tend to have a lot of enemies *hint you been to earth many times encountering many people and don’t understand why some people do not like you.*